A little guide to Pinakarri; an Aboriginal way to calm yourself and connect with your body


  1. Sit peacefully and feel where your body connects with whatever is physically supporting you right now; whether that be ground, chair or cushion.
  2. Feel the weight of your body and notice how the earth supports it. No matter what you are sitting in, it is made of earth in one way or the other. The gravity that holds you there was created with the beginning of the universe. You are now sitting in universal power. This holds you unconditionally. This is also known as unconditional love, as it accepts every part of your body, mind, heart and soul.
  3. Become aware of your breath. Listen to the difference to the in breath and the out breath. This tone is completely unique to you. This is how the universe sounds when it plays and sings through your body. You are completely connected to all that is, was and will be in the universe. You are at one.
  4. Become aware of the slight difference in temperature between the in and out breaths. This difference is what you give to the universal and instinctive act of breathing. But the heat involved in that change comes straight from the sun. It is warming up life through your body and you are a channel for this process. You are now the energy of the sun and the changes in the air; completely unique and absolutely universal at exactly the same time. There is no fundamental distinction between you and nature, but you are also that unique differentiation of tone and temperature.
  5. Now listen to the drumbeat of your heart. This began when you were a foetus in the womb. It continued when you were born and stays with you until you die. It beats out a particular rhythm and sound. This is you.
  6. Find the first point of tension you become aware of. Breathe into that spot and consciously relax it with the power of the sun and the universal energy you are now aware of. Breathe out the tension.
  7. Feel free to experiment and improvise with this exercise.


*NB: This process was provided to me by John Croft, of Dragon Dreaming, a very successful collaborative tool for project realization, especially in small groups. See the whole E-Book at: http://www.dragondreaming.org/dragon-dreaming-international-e-book/


John tells me that Pinakarri was used by the Mardu people of the Mandjilidjara (language) in WA and that they were the last group of Aboriginal Australians to be contacted, in 1964, when about 20 of them were found in the Western Desert, when firing was going into this target zone from the Woomera region of SA. The people were relocated (undoubtedly this is a much nicer word than what we should be using here) to Jiggalong, a mission station in the Pilbara region of WA. John Croft met them there in 1968, about 4 years after they had been relocated there, but he was only 19 and they were very shy and didn’t speak English. He learned the process of Pinakarri later, upon returning, when he had friends who were working with the Mardu and translating between English and Mandjilidjara.


3 thoughts on “A little guide to Pinakarri; an Aboriginal way to calm yourself and connect with your body

  1. Hi Geoff this is a response to pinkarri and earth-based spirit-journeying. I hope its appropriate to what you are looking to do in this particular blog. Please let me know one way or the other. From john Cranmer


    Enticed into a place of dynamic silence
    to walk within this presence of trees
    with eyes non-focussed
    called to the contemplation of in-scape

    Feel here this anticipatory-hush
    a holding of breath
    a coming to be
    a birthing of the new

    Here is a settledness
    slowly gestating
    marking seasons
    of growth and loss and consolidation

    Intimacy of awareness
    just beyond the reach
    of questing fingers
    of searching minds
    of intricate imaginings

    zephyr-breezes amongst bird-wings

    Silence and sound organically-intertwined

    Presence observed fleetingly
    through the corners of our eyes

    Attempt to look them face to face
    and they are GONE!!!

    30th january 2015


    Why such an approach of withdraw
    by these strange undomesticated entities
    surrounding us in ways beyond our looking?

    Perhaps it is we the “willful-child”
    who needs to ask ourselves of our strangeness
    our out-of-placeness within the WHOLE

    We of the loud clatter

    we the destroyer of our own nest

    we with our continued imposition
    into these remnant sanctuaries of ancient journeys

    we with our sense of right to dominate and control

    Is it any wonder
    nature withdraws from the scent of such as we

    Homo-raptor — Homo-stupidium — Homo-exterminatore

    3rd February 2015


  2. Pingback: Pinakarri: Aboriginal deep listening | Bodymind Place

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